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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you have package deals for driving lessons in NYC?
    No, currently we only offer individual pay-as-you-go lessons. Please check the rates on the "services page" for more information.
  • Do you provide pickup and drop off?
    We provide pickup and drop off at your home or desired place for any of our students who reside in Queens, NY. If you live outside of Queens, we can pick you up at no cost if you come to our Woodside office or provide us a meetup address anywhere in Queens.
  • How do I make an appointment for my road test?
    If you are our student, we will schedule you an appointment for free. Otherwise, we will charge you $10 for the service. Once we have made the appointment, we will tell you the exact date, location and time of your road test via phone or email.
  • What are your payment methods?
    We accept cash or Zelle at time of pickup with your instructor.
  • How do I cancel my driving lesson?
    We understand life is unpredictable, but if you cannot make your appointment, you MUST call our office and cancel at least 24 hours before your scheduled time. If you are a "no show", or cancel too often, we will revoke you as a student and will no longer be able to schedule driving lessons.
  • What is the 5 Hour Pre-licensing Course?
    This is a requirement by the DMV for all those who want to take the road test. It is a 5-hour learning experience in a classroom environment designed to teach new drivers about safety, and the rules of the road.
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